UPL About Us

United Python Learners - Who We Are

Welcome! or should I say print("Hello World")?

This is the first post, and I'd like this post to just explain what this community is all about, and what are its expectations.

This community is for people who are generally interested in learning a programming language, specifically python. I am not a pro at all. I started this community, because I am very enthusiastic about the language, and was looking for a place that could help me learn, and progress with like-minded people. Unfortunately, I did not find that space, and so I decided to create one. What I hope to get out of this community, for me and others a like:

  1. A safe space to exchange knowledge and expertise
  2. A place where students are teachers, and teachers are students
  3. A real community of like-minded people
It doesn't matter where you are from, or what your skill level is, you are welcomed here. Be prepared to learn, to grow, and hopefully build life long friendships as we are all here on a journey of mastery.

My expectations for this community is that it'll grow, but also help people become better python programmers. I expect all of us to:
  1. Challenge ourselves and others
  2. Share knowledge, resources, and opportunities
  3. Treat one another with mutual respect, as if we're family
This is going to be quite an experiment, but I think it is needed, and I can't wait to learn, grow, and build relationships with everyone here.

But most of all I can't wait to learn, and teach others about the awesomeness that is Python!

Where to begin?


"In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn."
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